Friday, February 11, 2011

If you were next in line to become emperor, what would you do if your sibling took the throne from you?

If you were Yongle, what would you do to create a better empire?

What family did Yongle have? Or who were important to the Yongle dynasty?

So, did Yongle have a family? Well, some of the emperors had wives and others had brothers and sisters. But there were great names to be remembered in the Yongle dynasty. Take Ming Taizu for example! Ming was an emperor that went down in history for doing some great things. There was also Chu Ti, also known as the Prince of Yan, of whom was responsible for organizing Zhu Yuanzhang's funeral. There were many important Yongle emperors, whether they were related or not!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How did Yongle emperors die? What ages?

Emperors dying. Boring right? No way!! Of course some emperors died from old age. But others were poisoned! Think about this in your head... if you were a Yongle emperor, you brothers would be jealous, right? Okay, so they could have the chance to poison you! How would you feel if you were the brother and you knew that your brothers kid would be next in line for the emperor? I would feel pretty bad, knowing I didn't have a good chance of being a ruler. And who doesn't want to be a ruler?! Hey look, now we are back to 2011! So stop fantasizing now. I want to go back to one special Yongle emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang. He died of old age in 1398. But here is where it gets interesting, the Prince of Yan was the person to organize the funeral, and of course he went to it. But get this, when the new emperor came to power, he ordered the Prince of Yan to leave for no apparent reason! At least that's what the research says. But come on now, harsh right? You spent all this time preparing the funeral of a beloved emperor and now you find out you have to leave the premises. This is heartbreaking. I say this Prince of Yan should form some kind of army. But of course being the good guy, he obeys. Back to dying emperors! There were many other ways these emperors died, and I don't feel the need to explain the process... if you know what I mean. So enjoy not being an emperor! After all, the job can be very dangerous!

Yongle or Yongle(s)?

So, Yongle or Yongles? Was there more than one emperor named Yongle? Well, technically yes. But that is just what some books have debated about. Some books say Yongle was one person. Other say Yongle is supposed to be a name for the civilization and all the emperors in it. So of course all the emperors had different names. To name some examples, how about Ming Taizu or Zhu Di? They are all categorized in the emperor named Yongle, at least to some books! At first this confused me. I mean, who should I believe? Who do I know who is right? It's not like I can go back into the past and see for myself! Or can I? No,no I'm not talking about time travel or anything like that! I'm talking artifacts! I mean, look at the artifacts we have come up with for the Ming dynasty (of which Yongle is supposedly categorized in). There are the giant boats, the cities, do I need to say more? Who knows how many more artifacts from the Yongle civilization are out there, waiting to be discovered? Only time will tell! :)

What did Yongle do for a living? Is this reason involved with why he is important? Why did he(they?) become an emperor?

As I mentioned in my other articles, Yongle was an emperor. Or should I say they were emperors? But that's an entirely different article I've written about. Let's get back to this one! So I've already told you what Yongle did for a living. And yes, of course his was involved in why Yongle is important. But what I haven't told you is why the Yongle emperors decided to become emperors! Well, the Yongle were emperors because they of course inherited the throne. Some of the Yongle emperors had to compete against their brother's for the throne. One Yongle emperor even declared himself king after his fathers death, even when it wasn't his turn! I would be pretty mad to be the brother that was supposed to inherit the throne of my father!

Who is Yongle? What were his accomplishments?

When I think of Yongle, I think of a type of noodles or something. But in reality, Yongle isn't just one person!At least in some books, Yongle was the name for all emperors in the Yongolian dynasty. So I guess you could say Yongle was an emperor. Now, you might be thinking," Okay so why are these Yongle emperors important?!" Well first off, the Yongle people have made some really great accomplishments! As a matter of fact, one of the Yongle emperors moved the capital from Nanjing, to a place called Beijing. I wonder how much preparation that must have taken! But an even greater accomplishment is the fact that one of the Yongle emperors created a three-walled rectangular area with 3 places called the Inner City, the Imperial City, and the Forbidden city, also known as the Imperial Palace. Speaking of the Forbidden City, I have researched that the Forbidden City was very popular with the Yongolians. Now, these facts may not be extremely interesting to you. But wait until you hear the coolest fact in my opinion! The Yongle empire was known for having the World's Largest Ships! I mean, we are talking MASSIVE! If you don't believe me, check out the picture at the top of the page. Compared to that little boat, the Yongle empire ships were pretty big! And to think that these are only a few facts about the Yongle. I say that these Yongle people are really interesting, but don't ask me! It was only my opinion.

What are some areas of strength in my blog?

What are some areas of improvement for my blog?